Sustained Commitment to Diverse Supplier Inclusion

Project: Sustained Commitment to Diverse Supplier Inclusion

Team:  Lauren Aiello, Helen Zdybowicz, Sean McQuarrie, Jeannette Benie Binjour, David Havelick, Kris Locke, Kari Strouth, Danny Beaudoin, Jeff DiCaccio, & Rick Sheiber

Schools/ Units Represented: FAD, HMS, HSPH, FAS, Campus Services, Office of Sustainability

Mission: This program proposes the creation of a central Supplier Diversity and Inclusion tool containing certified diverse suppliers, searchable and filterable by diversity type, service/goods, ethnicity and other criteria required by the purchasing community.  The tool would be designed with the ability to easily update data in order to keep the information current and is intended to increase utilization of diverse vendors across Harvard.

Current Contact Email address: (Taisha Crayton, Associate Director Economic Inclusion and Diversity),